Office Furniture - Some Recent Office Furniture Clearances

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1. Now it is the height of summer and schools/colleges have all closed down, it would be easy to think that our workload backs right off for the season. This couldn't be further from the truth. In the real world, furniture in educational establishments probably has a harder time than that in many commercial establishments. This window of opportunity to 'lick the wounds', repairing, replacing and re-organising represents a highly intensive periood of activity. This counts not only for the establishments themselves but also, their suppliers... such as ourselves. So, please don't worry about us, we won't be bored ove the Summer holiday!

2. Likewise, this month can be very busy with clearances. With staff on holiday, it is muuch simpler to clear and rearrange workspaces. One job this month involved clearing over 3000 office items and it is a matter of great pride for usp to be able to say that everything was re-used, leaving not a single item behind.

3. As well as with personal callers, we seem to be doing something right online too. While very few people get 1,000,000 visitors online to their website, we are very happy to say that our online shop is now approaching its 2,000,000th visitor. Huge thanks to all the customers, both online and face to face who have made all this happen. We will continue to work hard at making the variety of items interesting and the content engaging so there is always something new for returning visitors.

1. When you want things to look their best, trust the professionals. As summer is now in full swing, daylight is at its strongest, which shows up every speck of dust missed by our fairly festidious daily vacuum and polish of the three storey showroom. In order to maintain the highest possible standard of visitor experience on our premises, this month a local professional commercial cleaning firm to give the place a thorough inside and out freshen up. Working in a lovely, fresh environment is much nicer for us and we hope, much nicer for our customers too when they visit.

2. Just in case anyone has forgotten, small businesses of 5 people or less, account for over 50% of Britain's GDP. They really do keep the country running. Despite that, it is very tough for small busuinesses to keep running. Getting the best value out of every pound that comes in is vital.That is why it is so gratifying for us to see new startup businesses coming to us, as well as the many small business people who keep on coming back, referring their friends or opening 2nd offices. It is always our aim to offer great value to all, and it looks like we must be doing something right.

3. As an aside to benefitting businesses of all sizes by offering great value on all manner of office furniture items, an aspect of our work that sometimes people overlook is the ecological impact of recycling office furniture. As well as selling locally for re-use, a great deal of stock is distributed by our vast network of traders in different industries worldwide who help to make sure the greatest possible number of items go for re-use. This keeps thousands of tonnes out of landfill sites where it would otherwise end up.

1. Going back to the large end of the clearances scale, this month sees the arrival of a commission from Airbus to clear hundreds of items from their research centre. It was satisfying to know this selection was made largely because the people there liked our history and reacted very positively to our proposal. This style of commission looks very good on our CV and that can always help open more doors in the future.

2. For some reason, the sale of stools had been very slow of late. In order to address this, June was a month for a 'Stool Sale' with reduced prices on all. This measure turned out to be a good success, so the reduced prices on stools have been kept on indefinitely.

3. If it works for stools, why not for other items? The success of the price reduction spurred us on to check that the rest of our prices are the best value on the market. Satisfyingly, only a few needed changing, and with the free delivery all our customers enjoy, it really is a win-win situation.

4. Another currently satisfying trend is the volume of sales that we are making to schools. They are always struggling to make the most of their budgets, so anything that can be purchased at a saving is welcome to them. The majority of our school customers are local at the moment but word is starting to get round and the delivery radius is gradually growing.

1. The first week in May was quiet, so we took advantage of the time to carry out a full stock check. This was a major undertaking but it helped a lot with peace of mind. It is much easier to make sure that customers are happy by having the right choice for them, and by using a stock check to weed out any inventory errors, we are allowed to relax and get on with the job. This is particularly important in our online shop where only 100% accuracy will do.

2. Perhaps it was the bad weather in week 2 of May that brought customers in or focused their attention on matters of work rather than relaxing in the sun, but for face to face sales, it was a bumper week. It was great to see so many people from all walks of life finding the perfect office furniture for their businesses and homes. Also, the variety of items purchased was tremendous, vindicating our policy of keeping a huge choice of items in stock at all times.

3. The second half of May saw an increase in the number of small to medium clearances we were called upon to perform. In many ways, these can be preferable to the bigger clearances. Although the number of items in each case is smaller, they bring more variety to our range for recycling, make collections more interesting for us all, travelling to new places and meeting new people. Best of all, the new people that we meet extend our business network, potentially bringing other new contacts and opportunities for the future.

1. Having a quiet period in the shop isn't always a bad thing. It can give time to make sure that the standard of presentation expected by our customers is exceeded in every way, ensuring that the viewing and purchasing experiences are pleasant as well as offering great choice and value in office furniture.

This included making access to all items as clear as possible, removing every distracting item that was serving no purpose. That cull took care of odd fasteners, shelves and lengths of cable trunking that were serving no purpose, making sure that the progress of items in and out was as unimpeded as possible.

This also gave us the chance to make sure that every item of stock is offered for sale via our website, so that even if you can't make it to the shop, you can enjoy the same quality, choice and value as if you were there.

2. If the shop has been quiet in April, bookings for clearances have been anything but. The next couple of months will see us being very busy clearing offices for long standing clients as well as some exciting new ones. As always, this is going to give a healthy boost to the selection of top quality office furnishings to our customers online and personal visitors to the shop. We will look forward to welcoming you to either.

1. With the ever increasing number of customers comes an increasing level of delivery activity. Efficiency in this area is vital for customer satisfaction, after all, office furniture is a necessity for comfortable working so speedy delivery keeps our customers on the go with least disruption and delay. It is this commitment to service that keeps people coming back as their needs evolve.

2. It is a matter of pride to us that our deliveries are not only prompt but are also free. The key to this is efficient route planning and vehicle deployment. As an example, there has been an increase in local customers making purchases for short run delivery. By adding a new, smaller van to the fleet, these can now be covered readily, leaving the larger vehicles for longer runs and multi-site drops.

Of course, Marco Polo doesn't work for us so we rely on Google Maps to help with making the route plans. Other online mapping services are available.

3. Seeing March draw to a close, the figures show that this has been yet another record breaking quarter. In respect of this we have to thank our customers for choosing to buy from us, and our superb team for maintaining the highest work ethic and readiness to go the extra mile to keep clients happy.

1. This month sees another valuable addition to the personnel here. A regular business partner with whom we have had many years of successful collaboration has decided to retire from his retail activities and will be working with us full time on office clearances. The great news for our customers is that with a highly experienced and dedicated new pair of hands joining in, we will be able to complete even more clearances, which will expand not only the volume of stock available, but will also help to broaden the choice even more.

2. To make an even bigger impact on the choice and the range of office furniture you will find here, massive effort has gone into emptying our colleagues' warehouses, bringing the entire range under one umbrella. So far, in the first month, this has increased our stockholding by 10% and will put us on course to double the number of clearances carried out each year.

3. And finally... with the massive growth in stock, choice and value, along with the areas of operation growing, introducing new customers, more space has become a necessity. The next step in this programme of expansion is the opening of shop number two, watch this space for developments and all the news as it breaks.

1. This year got off to a very busy start with a nationwide clearance programme for a major client, which took our team to a huge number of their branches in many different towns and cities, each with its own deadlines and challenges. This kind of variety adds immensely to the enjoyment we get from the job of clearing, moving and re-structuring offices, meeting all sorts of characters along the way.

The great thing about such massive clearance operations is that all the items cleared are brought back to our Ipswich shop for re-sale. This means that there is a great consistency throughout our range, giving customers confidence in being able to place additional orders in future, knowing that the new items will match what they have purchased before.

2. Ostensibly for the kids, but just as enjoyable for us 'adults', the kitchen here has been converted into a Lego and Collectibles build and display room. There is a wide choice of absorbing and creative activity to engage the young mind. If they would rather enjoy passive entertainment or listen to music, there is now a large screen TV installed with YouTube playing.

1. Almost as if to prove there is nothing so certain as uncertainty, the period normally busiest for office clearances, October through December, which can normally be expected to bring about two or three major projects. October and November were extremely quiet, leaving us all wondering what was going on. Then, in mid December, quite out of the blue, there was a veritable explosion of clearances to be dealt with. In over 30 years, nobody here had seen such a violent change. Luckily, with a highly experienced team, well used to performing miracles against tight deadlines, all the clearances were completed on time.

2. This extremely busy period is great news if you are looking for office furniture. The year of 2024 is going to start with a huge range of high quality desks, office chairs, boardroom furniture and office storage ready for immediate delivery.

3. In the meantime, it is a chance for all of us to take a few days off to celebrate and relax, ready to spring forward into the new year with vigour and enthusiasm. May we take this opportunity to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful new year.

1. Success breeds success! For the 16th consecutive year, sales records have been broken. Naturally, there is great pride in this for us, but not purely for commercial reasons. Every item of office furniture that we can sell on for re-use is another desk, chair, cabinet or whatever that doesn't go into landfill. This year, the magic figure was reached before the end of November, so a huge thank you to all the lovely customers who made this possible. We look forward to helping cut down waste even more in coming years.

2. The source of recycled office furniture is of course, the clearances that we carry out. Largely the nature of these clearances helps to shape the choice of stock that we can offer. November's characteristic was a predominance of smaller office clearances. This is good news for choice as while the volume of items from each site is not so great, they were originally specified by a larger number of people, therefore, making the variety much wider for our customers.

3. One of the major contributing factors in the growth of sales over the last few months has been our new team member, 'H'. He has rapidly become the company's voice in social media channels. His efforts have really widened the audience for our recycling/re-using messages and opened up a shop window for all the office furniture products that we were not using to the full before he joined us.

1. With winter just around the corner, creature comforts for our customers and team members. While the three main display floors of our Ipswich shop have a very nice heating system, some of the smaller rooms are a bit out of range, making them feel rather more Stalingrad than Sierra Madre when there's a chill in the air. Portable heaters just didn't do the trick. This month central heating has been installed so you can now browse in comfort throughout the building.

2. While we were at it, the smaller showrooms and offices were re-organised and decorated. This gives more space for the ever-expanding product range and should help to enhance the showroom environment.

3. Customers visiting our showroom will find an ever-increasing choice of office furniture, so that they can pick the items which are perfect for their needs and budget. Well on our way to hitting the December target of 200 line items, our inventory now encompasses 170+ product lines. This is part of our long-term commitment to offer the widest choice, the highest quality and the best value in recycled office furniture.

1. Celebrating the passing of his first month with the team, Henry, AKA 'H' is making a real impact on sales here. Being the youngest member, H brings fresh dynamism and energy, along with his experience in office furniture to the goal of making sure that every customer gets office furniture which, like Baby Bear's porridge is just right for them. H has also made it even easier to find the items you need by opening up the world of Facebook market place for us.

2. Also with us for a month now is the replacement van. Already its extra capacity has made it possible to deliver more items to more locations on each trip. This cuts downthe number of trips, reduces fuel use and in turn keeps delivery costs lower so that we can continue to offer free delivery to many areas.

3. The office clearance activities are still keeping us very busy, both on behalf of new clients and old friends.This is great news for all our customers as it means even more choice oh high quality office furniture joins our range every day. The inventory currently stands at 140 line items, which we are aiming to increase to 200 by the end of the year.

1. Welcome aboard H, or Henry if you prefer. The latest addition to the team here brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and talents with him. Having worked in the office furniture industry for over a decade, H's product knowledge is second to none. Having tried a different career path, H learned new sales and networking skills, which he brings back with him on returning to the industry he enjoyed so much. These skills, coupled with his infectious enthusiasm will,we are sure add value to our team and benefit all our customers.

2. Having taken a much needed summer break, returning to work brings the prospect of yet more record breaking sales and an ever growing portfolio of office furniture. With clearances, thus stock levels and available choices running at record levels, plus the experience and advice from our specialist team, we are more confident than ever that more organisations and home office users will be turning to us to find just what they need at great value prices.

3. As if in readiness for increased deliveries, after four and a half years, covering 220,000 miles, the time had come to replace our trusty delivery van. This also presented the opportunity to upsize the delivery capacity in order to delight even more customers with the personal nature of our delivery service. By offering free delivery, using only our own vehicles and personnel, we can be sure that the condition of office furniture on arrival will be every bit as good as when it left us.

1. With summer holidays being very much on the minds of many people this month, we took the opportunity to not make any clearances but to concentrate on deliveries so that when September comes around, the clearances can be re-started with clear decks, clear diaries and clear minds. September to December are key months for clearances, so in order to make every job happen on time and within budget, we need to be sure of operating at peak efficiency.

2. Making some clear time in July also meant that the premises could have some attention to make sure that the customer experience is positive and uplifting. It is a matter of great pride to us that when customers visit us they come into a showroom that is clean, bright and above all interesting. It is also nice to know that essential systems like the heating and alarms are up to scratch too.

3. You can never start learning the essential life skills too young. That is why Jax, our 9 year old son has become the youngest member of staff. On days off, he joins us here, helping out while learning about deliveries, dealing with customers and how business works. By the time Jax is grown up, he will have had a great grounding if he wants to take over from Dad. As we all know what all work and no joy does, we have also built a Star Wars Lego building room where he (and some of us bigger kids) can exercise creative skills in between work sessions.

1. The cast of cardboard celebrities in our Ipswich office furniture showroom continues to grow. This month, in a musical frame of mind, the HipHop legend Snoop Dog and the lovely "Princess of Pop" Kylie Minogue came to join in the fun. OK, maybe their presence has little to do with desks, chairs and cabinets, but they certainly start some interesting conversations and add a touch of humour to the proceedings. Pop in for a conversation with Kylie or a session with Snoop Dog and leave with some great value furnishings for your office into the bargain.

2. May was another extremely busy month in the Ipswich retail shop, with many familiar faces returning to become regular customers. Office seating is still a big seller for us and it is great to see people adding to their collection as needs change and grow. It is still very tough out there, not only in business but also in managing to keep up with the spiralling cost of living. We like to think that in recycling and re-using office furniture, we are doing our part to help with these issues, and with the number of returning clients growing daily, we must be doing something right…

1. The good news this month is that we have secured multiple office clearance contracts that will take us through the summer and beyond. This will mean a massive influx of high quality office furniture will be arriving to be recycled through face to face sales in the Ipswich showroom and distance sales thanks to our free delivery policy. More storage space is being added to cope with the new arrivals.

2. With all this new storage and new stock, comes even greater variety and value for our customers. The additional choice has resulted in more sales than ever. It's not rocket science, we have a simple philosophy here, the more stock we have, the more we can sell.

3. Not only has the volume of business continued to grow through the month of June, but the location of customers is spreading and becoming more diverse. This month there have been delivery trips to London and beyond, as well as a very pleasant drive out in the Cotswolds to drop off some office furniture. Customers everywhere appreciate value and this is coming through in the variety of businesses and locations that are producing all these lovely orders for us.

1. The month started with a massive clearance of height adjustable electric desks from a well known technology company in Shaftesbury Avenue, the heart of London's Theatre Land. Some 2000 of these had to be removed in just one week. The first part of the challenge was pushing all the buttons to lower them to the bottom of their travel for transit. That alone took two days! As always, the team pulled together and got the job finished ahead of schedule.

2. This meant that there is now a healthy stock of very good condition used electric desks in our warehouse, which are being snapped up eagerly. Why use an electric height adjustable desk? There can be many reasons. For example in a huge office like the one the current (forgive the pun) stock came from, there are people of all sizes and shapes who need to be able to work in comfort. Even in a one man band they can bring comfort and health benefits by allowing the user to change posture during the day. At the highest setting they are just about right for most people to work standing up and are infitely adjustable to a low setting not much higher than a coffee table. Find out more at our online shop.

3. While all this has been happening, enquiries and bookings for office clearances have been pouring in, which will keep us well and truly on our toes way into the summer.

1. Marking the end of the first quarter, March proved to be another record beater, rounding out the busiest ever period of office clearances since we started, many years ago. There is no resting on laurels going on here though. The aim is very much one of continual growth and improvement. By constantly analysing the reasons that customers come back to us over and oer, the strong aim is to consistently provide the highest levels of service, minimise disruption and continue the pattern of finishing jobs comfortably ahead of schedule. There is also huge satisfaction for us in seeing thousands of tonnes of material not going into landfill site, with so many serviceable items going to new homes and continuing to be useful.

2. The presence in our store of celebrity cardboard cutouts continues to draw comment from customers. It is satisfying to know that their visit has been fun for them as well as providing great value in the serious items that they need for their office. This month, a number of items of Star Wars memorabilia hvae been added along with some fake black holes. The purpose of our business and products may be serious, but the atmosphere surrounding can still be fun and interesting for our visitors.

3.The trend in march for clearances moved toward a large number of smaller offices. This is great for our recycled office furniture customers as it helps to broaden the variety available from our online shop and our face to face outlet. Instead of putting into stock thousands of similar items, a large number of desks, chairs, cabinets and other items become available with a broad range of manufacturers and styles represented. This stock is changing all the time, so keep an eye on the online shop for the latest news.

1. In almost a carbon copy of January, February has been another record breaking month. The clearance teams have been rushed off their feet, which is great news all round as it means there is a record level of high quality stock in the warehouse with an unprecedented variety and choice available.

2. One aspect of our service that always draws comment from customers is the free delivery policy. Customers are constantly saying that it makes a world of difference to them and they wonder how we do it. The answer is quite simply down to organisation and planning again. Even with a relatively small team, it is possible to plan deliveries in such a way that everyone gets their order without a long wait and wthout all the hassle of collecting for themselves. We also reckon that one vehicle on a well organised round trip is going to have a much smaller environmental impact than all our customers individually driving to the warehouse to collect. Everyone's a winner.

3. In keeping with our business with a smile policy, another celebrity has joined the ranks of cardboard cutouts wecloming our customers. This month, Conor McGregor has joined us and is standing opposite Tyson Fury. The 'Cardboard Cast' always gets a good reaction from visitors and we hope can help make shopping for office furniture less of a chore and more fun.

1. January is always a busy month for us with everyone getting serious about being back at work after the Christmas break. This January though was beyond all expectations. Both in terms of clearances and sales of used furniture, all records were well and truly broken this month. There was also a phonomenon that added value all round in that many of the clearances carried out brought in items of furniture that had been purchased prior to the pandemic but never used, so have sat in storage since. That was great news for the customers who got fantastic value on brand new seats, desks and cabinets.

2. They say that efficiency is only organised laziness, which up to a point we can see. However, the real value of increasing efficiency to us is the freeing up of time to get on with the really important things like making our customers happy. In order to achieve a better balance of activities, January was a month for taking a good look at how time could be saved on administration. Judging by the fabulous success enjoyed this month, it looks like the exercise was worthwhile.

3. As part of the efficiency drive, storage and warehousing techniques have come under the microscope too. With a very strong policy of maximising choice and availability, the aim is to increase the choice of stock by 50% in coming months, so space and retrieval systems will be at the forefront of achieving this. Once again, the measure of success is in the number of happy customers so we hope you find the changes to your liking

1. December is always the busiest month of the year for office clearances. With a natural break in business, it is always a chance to make the changes that have been planned for the year. This December was no exception to that rule. Luckily, we were able to mobilise all hands in our commercial removal team. As always, the team did us proud, with their enthusiasm and hard work, along with the planning that had gone into this anticipated rush, all the clearances were completed on time and with minimal disruption.

This is also good news for all our customers at the warehouse as stock levels and the choice available has been greatly boosted by this level of clearance activity.

2. Growth plans have also been influenced by the ever increasing clearance workload. Currently, it is highly likely that a second warehouse site will need to be opened early in the new year. This could well also include additional retail floor space. This will also give more opportunities to enhance the experience of visitors to our premises. Look out for more art work and more life size celebrity cutouts to make your visit fun as well as practical.

3. Looking forward to 2023, the scene looks set for another very busy year. There are already 13 clearances booked before the end of February and it looks like there will be a lot more to come. At this point, may we wish all our customers a very happy and successful 2023.

1. With the end of our fourteenth consecutive year of growth approaching, now is a good time to look forward to, and plan for even greater things in the year to come. Through planning for additional storage space, the stock of office furniture is now 20% higher than at the same time last year. The important thing with keeping large stocks is not simply a matter of volume. More important is the ability to offer a wide choice to cater for different tastes, needs and physical dimensions. Through the good efforts of our commercial clearances team, the warehouse is operating super-efficiently now and the choice available to businesses of all sizes is really second to none.

The life size celebrity cutouts in our showroom always get a great reaction from customers when they visit. The latest addition to the 'celebrity assistants' is Kevin Hart, American comedian. We are currently looking for a life size cutout of the Rock to go along side him

1. This month saw a renewal of our advertising presence with KALTZ, this time incorporating all the UK schools and colleges as well as NHS purchasing contacts. The Village Websmith has been working on some great promotions to the contacts gained through the KALTZ accreditation and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Neil at the Village Websmith for his efforts in this direction. We can highly recommend him to anyone considering a new website or online promotion.

2. With all these new contacts and accreditations, it is important to be ready for the influx of new and more varied orders by making sure that the stock levels are adequate. Over the last four months, we have increased the overall stock holding by over 50%, and continue to find innovative storage solutions to make sure that every inch of space is maximised.

3. The choice of chairs desks, cabinets etc. runs into hundreds of options for each in our warehouse and I can personally guarantee that whatever you need for your office furniture, you will be able to find it here.

4. Lastly this month, a reminder that when you do find what you are looking for in our range, you can benefit from free delivery anywhere in England.

1. With the aim of enhancing the visitor experience at our showroom, making it fun to visit while engaged in the serious business of finding the best deals on office furniture, the decor has had a couple of interesting additions. On the first floor, keeping a watchful eye on proceedings is a life sized cut out of Sean Connery as James Bond, complete with faithful Walther PPK. Of course, members of staff will be happy to swap personal notes with you about who was the best Bond of all. However, any views presented are not necessarily those of the management. If music is more your thing, then by all means grab a photo doing your best Mick Jagger impression in front of the new giant poster of the famous Rolling Stones 'Lips' logo. Look out for more fun additions to the showroom to help make your visit more enjoyable.

2. We must be doing something right, as month on month, sales personal callers and online customers are still increasing steadily and we are well on target to exceed last year.

3. To gain more business from the public sector, this month saw our first advertising as an accredited supplier to KALTZ, who are public sector procurement managers with a responsibility to achieve "best value" with taxpayer's money. Their role is to attract and introduce preferred suppliers like ourselves to make sure that the budgets of NHS, schools, colleges and universities are spent with those who offer the best value. We are proud to be involved in this initiative and through our promotional partner, the Village Websmith, we are making outgoing introductory contacts with facilities managers and purchasers throughout the health and education systems. We are confident that this will bring us in valuable new business.

1. As expected, the month of August was dominated by the huge clearance of Lidl's offices in Wimbledon. The task of clearing and recycling thousands of items of office furniture called for all the resources at our disposal. Once again, the team really stepped up to the plate putting in long hours every day including weekends. Thanks to their Herculean efforts and dedication to the task, the work was completed on time, leaving another happy customer waving us fond au revoir.

2. Slightly less expected but immensely gratifying nonetheless, was the clearance of tons of racking plus a large number of items from the kitchen and canteen. Once again the flexibility of the team has to be praised, taking in their stride a substantial amount of additional work and not being in the slightest bit fazed by it.

1. In July, we were awarded the contract to clear three main offices of Lidl in Wimbledon. It was clear that this was going to be a massive undertaking, calling for all the resources we could gather together, human, physical and transport bells were all going to have to be chiming in unison to get the work done in time. A convoy of 18t trucks was put in place and all leave was cancelled!

2. With the challenge of getting ready for such a huge influx of office furniture for recycling, July had to be used carefully to make sure all other contracts were completed and to clear the diary for the work ahead. Once again, the team gave an object lesson in pulling together for anyone who may have been watching. All contracts were completed, stock was efficiently organised and the warehouse was ready with plenty of space.

3. Meanwhile, back in the Ipswich shop, the ongoing facelift was completed with the fitting of a new electric roller shutter door in black to match the colour scheme. This will make getting in and out much easier for us, so you can be sure that if you are the first person to arrive on a given day, we will be ready for you, not all puffed out from winding up the old manual door, which used to get stuck a lot!

1. Having emptied the ground floor last month to allow the contractors to get in and resurface it, there was a great opportunity to start with a clean sheet of paper when it came to re-stocking the area. With many new stock lines to display and the freedom to position them as we liked, it has been possible to pack more stock in while leaving a better impression of space, allowing customers more freedom of movement and a better view of the furniture.

2. With strong sales throughout the first half of 2022 and a more spacious feel to the showroom, our focus now for the rest of the year is to concentrate on increasing stock levels of high quality office furniture. This should be helped by the high level of clearance work we are still being called on to do, with many clients' schedules being set back through covid disruption earlier in the year.

1. This month saw a very strong boom in sales of office storage units. As these are designed to offer storage space inside, they occupy a fair bit of storage space in their own right, especially when you have as many in your showroom as we did. This was great for us internally as having freed up all that space, we were able to follow through with the plans for re-laying the ground floor. Getting contractors in to lay over 2 tonnes of flooring, protected by three coats of cool grey hard oxide paint is so much easier when so much of the stock that was sitting on the floor has been sold, leaving that much less to be moved out of their way.

2. Having a nice smooth floor makes it easier for us to move stock in and out, as well as making the visit a nicer experience for our customers. To celebrate and make life even easier, the showroom now boasts a new black electric shutter, carrying through the neutral tones used inside, to the outside.

1. The cast list grows! In order to make the shopping experience a greater pleasure for our visitors, the Ipswich office furniture shop has a celebrity cast of cardboard cut-out characters. The latest addition to our hall of fame is Tyson Fury, who is our favourite boxer. Look out for more additions to the glittering cast as they arrive. Better still, if you are in Ipswich, pop in and meet the team. We can't promise much in the way of conversation with them, but it may well be a bit of fun having a selfie of one of the cardboard celebrities handing over the key to your new office desk. When you shop with us it isn't just about great prices, exceptional service and free delivery?

2. April has been a madly busy month for office clearances in Ipswich. Mostly, these have generated high class stock in small volumes, but then Ipwich is a small city. Large or small we love them all. Every clearance is an opportunity to recycle some top quality office chairs, desks, cabinets and other furniture to keep costs under control for our customers in businesses both large and small.

3. Possibly as a result of the high levels of stock and the vast choice on offer, our shop in Ipswich has been selling more than ever this month. There is more stock than ever being diverted from clearances in London, with an 18 tonne lorry to unload just about every week. This is great news for our customers as every delivery enhances the level of choice and the value that we can offer to home workers, small businesses and increasingly the NHS, whose local sites are enjoying the great value of recycled office furniture.

1. In addition to the high level of clearance activity in March, a new customer, in the form of a Japanese bank called on us to clear over two thousand items from several storage locations in London. This huge task with a tight deadline required calling all hands to the pumps. In addition to the team of twelve, even the boss' seven year old son got drafted in to help. It's never too early to start training new talent! With the high level of effort from all concerned, along with a 40 foot artic and several panel vans, within the two week deadline, we recycled and brought into stock over 800 pedestal and 1200 various side tambours.Thank you to all involved in achieving this result!

2. As a result the sales of pedestals and units both from our Ipswich shop and online outlet have gone through the roof this month. Customers can now choose from over 150 lines of stock in these categories so there really is something for everyone there. If you are in the area, please call in and see for yourself, or if not, visit our online shop.

1. When you are on a roll, you are on a roll. Having replaced the old, inefficient fluorescent tubes on two floors of the showroom, it seemed logical to carry on and replace the top floor lighting too. Customer reaction to the new lighting has been very positive, and for a showroom, it is vital to make sure everyone has a clear view of the office furniture on show. We also feel that the quality of lighting has a big effect on the 'feel' of the building. Customers seem to smile more and enjoy the overall experience more now that the light is different. It was surprising that the top floor also changed dramatically. It was the one with an abbundance of natural light before, so we weren't expecting such a big difference, but it is certainly showing up the office chairs to much better effect. Even better, these use only a fraction of the electricity compared to the fluorescents, and apparently will last 24,000 hours. All of this is good news as the lower we can keep our running costs, the keener our prices can be. Everyone is a winner!

2. The high end designer chairs are still in very great demand and selling well to both home and office users. There seems to be an air of renewed confidence now in the corporate market with many businesses making exciting plans and buying in furniture to be ready for new opportunities and expansion. It seems that there is a genuine desire to put the pandemic behind us and get going properly? Boom after bust!

3. There is certainly a busy period on the horizon. With many large office clearances queueing up to be done, we are champing at the bit for a time when we can once again gain access. It looks like there are not going to be enough hours in the day after April, but with the great team we have working with us, there is going to be a lot of pulling together, so as usual, clearances will be completed in time and clients will be happy. There will also be some great new stock arriving at the showrooms.

1. Despite a slow start to the year for big clearances, demand for office chairs to use working at home has been little short of crazy. The most frequent reason given is that "I have been working at home on a a flat kitchen chair and it it giving me a flat bum!". Hundreds of customers in January purchased posture friendly chairs with the majority treating themselves to the higher end of the spectrum. We always believe that this is a wise investment in comfort and posture. Spending long hours in the wrong kind of chair can be little short of torture, so customers welcome a visit to our showroom where they can try out a wide range of office chairs, then choose the one that suits them best. We are all different. Correct posture has been proven to have a beneficial health effect too, so it is well worth spending the extra cash. Luckily, at our prices, this extra cost is often no more than a very ordinary chair purchased new.

2. The word continues to spread across East Anglia with regular delivery trips out through Norfolk and Suffolk to keep our delivery team busy. With their regular workload covering Essex, London and surrounding counties, it is great to see them out every day, taking office furniture to its new home.

3. With this continued interest and sales levels increasing, investment in the showroom has continued to make sure that the customer experience is a comfortable, happy and above all fruitful search for the best in office furniture at affordable prices. More changes to the lighting in the building are planned for next month, so watch this space.

1. December saw a marked increase in the number of middle sized office clearances that our customers called upon us to complete. From Exeter through London to office near our base in East Anglia, there have been many clearances of up to 60 work station offices. The great news from this is that much of the furniture cleared has been from the very top end of the market. This has been good news for our retail customers as it has created a very strong influx of high-end, comfortable and durable office furniture directly into our Ipswich shop.

2. Now that there are two retail sites and 2 online sales outlets, making sure that stock is constantly monitored and updated is vital to ensure consistent offers between all possible outlets. Evans Office Furniture in London is our sister outlet mainly operating in business to business sales at the heart of the city. The stock in London is a duplicate of the stock in Ipswich, with everything being drawn from the same 'pool', which is updated daily to make sure every shop window we have is bang up to date and that everything on display is actually available at all times.

3. This involves strict discipline in stock management, and sophisticated systems to make sure that every sale removes the corresponding stock from every site. to compare, take a look at the online outlets in Ipswich and in London

1. November saw us using the opportunity to bring customers expectations up in terms of quality. Even when a small business or an individual who has to start working from home has a relatively small budget with which to furnish their office, quality can still win the day over low price. Every day we have been finding that by making the most of our ranges of great quality office furniture at a fraction of its original cost, our customers can make the quality choice. This helps us too as with the higher quality ranges being chosen, we can be sure that our customers will be happy with their purchase and will enjoy comfort, performance and long product life. Good office furniture is an investment. We will always work hard to make sure that the investment can be a wise one, even on a limited budget.

2. With this aim in mind, the investment in stock this month has bee substantial. By naking sure there is a great choice of top quality office seats, desks and cabinets from the top names in the business, more visitors to our web site and our retail outlet have been able to find just what they need on their first visit. In world where time is money, this is vitally important, so not only do our customers get highly attractive pricing, they also get back to work in their new comfy office with a minimum of disruption.

3. The time saving element is also helped by our regular deliveries throughout the area. With the retail outlet being based in Ipswich, access to eastern areas is very easy. Our vans are now making regular deliveries to Norwich, taking in all the coastal towns on the way, so nobody has to wait long to get the office furniture they chose, whether online or face to face.

1. Sales through our shop continue to grow healthily this month. It's a good sign that the customers are predominantly businesses of all sizes, which we take as a sign of increased confidence. With a number of large customers taking up office furniture to accommodate expanding staff, it is also encouraging to see a good number of new start up businesses coming in to get kitted out.

2. As an interesting side effect of the Covid 19 pandemic, we are seeing a change in the chair covering materials demanded by our customers. There has been a big swing toward glossy fabrics that can be treated with antiviral wipes and sanitising gels. This has been noticeable among our NHS customers and all who have a fast turnover of visitors needing seats. In order to satisfy demand, we are keeping as much of this type of stock as possible.

3. The demand for clearances continues to grow like wildfire, with this month seeing our biggest ever demand to quote for clearing office space. with lockdowns coming to an end in many areas, there is a need to get office spaces working again. A good proportion of this is to satisfy the needs of a continued increase in home working and a trend within offices to populate less densely, with fewer desks and more open breakout areas. It is still sad to see that some businesses didn't survive the impact of the pandemic, and all we can hope is that the people concerned re-surface in new businesses, possibly of their own.

1. In talking to customers at our retail shop, it becomes clear that when visiting us to buy what is essentially a very practical range, they still enjoy the overall experience. Huge stocks of office furniture with great choice is naturally the first thing our customers look for, but there is more to sending people away happy than just that. The relaxed atmosphere is complemented by freshly decorated showroom areas on all three floors with comfortable LED lighting for the best possible viewing. There is interesting artwork throughout the store to give a 'lifestyle' view of the furniture, as well as the odd quirky item such as life sized David Hasselhof and Mr Yoda putting in an appearance. Come over and see for yourself, from the newly painted black and white exterior to enjoying a complimentary coffee while perusing the huge range, we try to make office furniture buying a pleasurable experience.

2. This month, clearance work in London has picked up a lot too. This is where deadlines are tightest and the pace of work has to be flat out. We love this aspect of working in the capital, and see it rather like having a gym membership where you get paid for working out. These are the jobs that keep us fit. It is also very satisfying to get the job done amidst the hustle and bussle of the big city. Exercise, satisfaction and gainful employment all in one. It just doesn't get any better than that.

1. If July was crazy for sales of office furniture, then August must have been the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. It is great to see that much of this business is being driven by expansion in companies, both locally and all over the UK. The feeling of confidence is back in the market and now the goal for most is simply to crack on and get busy.

2. Driven by continued demand from home working and personal callers at our shop, we have increased stock levels by some 20% to ensure that there is sufficient choice of style and colour available at all times. Customers are really welcoming the choice that there is in our range now and that happiness is reflected in increased sales. It is really great to see this virtuous spiral driving sales upwards, making more customers happy.

3. Likewise, clearance work continues at an all time high. The greater volume of work is still in London but this month, substantial clearances have also been completed in Norwich and Leeds, so we are definitely seeing a nationwide upward trend.

1. The flood gates opened in earnest this month, with customers all over the country ordering desks, chairs an cabinets to accommodate expanding staff levels and resurgence of business in most sectors. To make sure the demand can be satisfied, our Ipswich shop is now holding record levels of stock, with thousands of chairs, desks and cabinets ready to go to new homes.

2. The clearance side of our business has also grown exponentially this month. With levels of calls higher than we have ever known in 31 years of trading, the clearance team is working flat out every day. Some of the clearances being carried out now were those who missed out before lockdown but the greater part of this work is coming from regular and new corporate customers investing resources in moves, refurbishments and relocations.

3. July's biggest clearance was ABTA, who must be busier than ever with the level of travel disruption that has been and is still being experienced by the UK travel industry. There is little surprise that they are creating extra capacity.

1. Once again, the story of the month is chairs, chairs and more chairs. The whole country has gone crazy for good quality office chairs. This is still being driven by the need for people to work from home while the Covid crisis persists. The market is also very strongly value driven now. Customers know that by spending a little more they will get a lot more comfort and something that looks good in their home office too. Luckily, our customers have a great selection to choose from as there are plenty of designer chairs like Herman Miller and Steelcase coming in with stock changing daily.

2.The personal service of our business is also gaining us many new friends and customers, from all over the UK. This is greatly helped by our policy of delivering free of charge wherever possible. Whether your order is for a single chair or a complete office suite, the level of customer focus and attention is the same. Quite simply, no hassle with third parties or couriers, just a personal service from us to you. We see this as a major contributing factor to our zero returns rate. It is simple to provide an error free service when you accept responsibility at every stage.

3. Whether you live in a big city, or a small village, you are covered. From our Ipswich facility recent deliveries of hundreds of chairs and other items of office furniture have taken us to Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Maidenhead and St Ives (not the one just round the corner either). Wherever you are (or the friends that you tell), you can be sure of great value and reliable service from a major, high quality used office furniture supplier.

1. The month has carried on the trend of recent times, with enormous numbers of office chairs being sold for work at home purposes. It is also great to see that the most up-market chairs are the ones being chosen for this purpose. Comfort is a necessity when working, not a luxury, so people are making very wise investments in the higher quality, more adjustable chairs that will give them the support they need.

2. With many of the larger sites still inaccessible to us, the month hasn't seen any large-scale office clearances. However, a large number of smaller clearances have kept us busy in places where access was possible. This has also provided a great range of stock for recycling through the Ipswich retail store, which re-opens on April 2nd. We are certainly hoping that this is going to be the last of the Corona virus lockdowns. Business needs some normality and stability now.

1. With less time being spent on clearances due to lack of access during the current pandemic, it has been a good opportunity to carry out some improvements to our showrooms to improve the visitor experience. One of the most noticeable changes has been to the lighting, which is now a thing of beauty. Having changed the old fluorescent tubes for LED lighing on two floors, we have now carried the change through to the top floor. Even though this was the only floor with good natural lighting, this has made a great difference. Not only is the environment inside much more pleasant for customers now, but the environment outside will be helped by the minimal power consumption compared to fluorescents. With an expected life of 24,000 hours per lamp, waste will also be cut down, making a double environmental win for the new lighting.

2. With many people working from home during the pandemic, sales of high quality office chairs are still going strong. Additionally, we are seeing quite a lot of interest from businesses planning for when they can re-open, and purchasing in advance. Luckily, our stocks of designer chairs are still plentiful with a great choice to fit all shapes and sizes, so bring on the boom after the bust, you will find us ready?

3. Ready to spring into action! For so long now, access has been impossible to many buildings that are in need of office clearances and re-organisation, quite a queue has built up. When April comes around and work is once again possible, we anticipate being very busy indeed. Many regular customers are in touch frequently to make sure that their urgent clearances will be carried out on the required date. It is going to be a challenge to keep up, but with a dedicated, flexible team, we will rise to that challenge while fitting in a few inevitable last-minute requests for good measure

1. As was expected, in terms of major clearances, the year got off to a slow start. With access to so many buildings being restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, furniture has had to stay put in many cases. What has kept us increasingly busy is the sale of seating through our retail outlet. With the number of people working from home still increasing, we have been hearing more and more complaints of a flat kitchen chair giving the user a flat bum. This has driven sales of top quality office chairs by the hundred. It is also great to see customers investing in quality, top end seating, which is a much better long term investment, both in terms of money and, more importantly, in posture, which makes a huge overall contribution to well-being.

2. It is also very satisfying to see the response our retail outlet is getting locally. Through word of mouth and targetted advertising, the word has spread, keeping our delivery team busy with more frequent trips across Norfolk and Suffolk. Thanks to the continuing support of customers locally and in our heartland of Essex, London and surrounding counties, despite the health crisis, business is looking good for 2021.

3. With such strong interest in the retail outlet, we have been taking the opportunity to further improve the visitor experience with changes to the layout, making it easier to locate just the item in comfort. This month also sees the start of a major upgrade to the lighting in our building, all of which should be completed in February

1. The month started off with a bang when Warner Brothers called us in for a three hundred workstation office clearance in central London. Coming straight from being locked down for the previous month or so, you could say we hit the ground running. Needless to say, the client was delighted when the job was finished on time with no fuss or disruption.

2. Hard on the heels of that job came the biggest office clearance of the whole month. Mintel called on us to clear hundreds of workstations, including a large number of designer items that made the job really interesting. On of the most fascinating pieces was a full size copy of Dr Who's phone box. That is now in pride of place in our own office. The people at Mintel were great to work with and there is a good vibe in the company as unlike many others in London, this clearance was to help move more people into their own office, with many others working in their homes.

3. A regular client of ours, a large IT company also called us back in December. In case of a sudden need to devolve staff to home work, the company had held back hundreds of chairs. As it turned out, the need never materialised so the chairs were removed for recycling and resale.

4. As it worked out, a large influx of chairs in December was a very timely thing. Demand for office furniture, particularly chairs for those finding themselves working from home continued to be very high. Such an increase in our online stock meant that we were able to keep up with the demand whilst offering even wider choice and better than ever value. With free delivery still possible in the majority of cases, we have been kept very busy making sure that people who now have to work from home can do so in comfort.

1. November was a month spent indoors for us. Like so many other retail outlets, our shop was unable to admit customers owing to the Corona lockdown. Putting the time to good use, for us meant adding more lines to our online shop. Due to time constraints, previously, some items didn't get added to the catalogue online purely because there weren't enough hours in the day to add them all, so we were forced to stick to the most popular items. The greater choice proved popular, as was demonstrated by the wide variety of items that were purchased for direct delivery or click and collect.

2. With the trend for working at home being still very strong, chairs and small desks are still selling very well. Also, due to the great value available from our range of recycled office chairs, customers are snapping up the higher specification chairs, realising that this is somewhere they are going to have to sit for long periods, so comfort and proper support are vital. People are delighted when they find that they can buy a far superior product for the price of something very ordinary. Add free delivery to that and everyone's a winner!

1. October has been a month for putting smiles on the faces (among other places) of a very large number of customers. With the Covid-19 crisis still rife, the number of people finding themselves working at home increases daily. This usually starts the same way with the person concerned sitting at a kitchen table on a flat based dining chair. This inevitably brings aches, pains and ultimately a loss of concentration. With free delivery throughout the country now, we have been arriving on many doorsteps with a nice, ergonomically correct chair that is supportive throughout a full day's work. That has certainly brought out a lot of happy responses. If you are feeling their pain, call us for a great deal on a 'proper' working chair and banish those backside blues with free delivery too.

2. The major clearance this month was for a tech firm in St Pauls, London. The company thoughtfully held back the chairs for distribution to their staff working at home. A pattern is definitely appearing here! That left hundreds of desks and dozens of meeting room sets to be recycled. Another spin-off from the current health crisis is that London is now so much easier to get around. The huge recycling task was carried out easily and quickly thanks to the lack of traffic and the easy access to recycling partners in the capital.

1. As can be expected, the changes enforced by measures to restrict the spread of Covid-19 dominated the commercial landscape through September. Sadly, we have seen a number of small businesses closing down. Others have been able to adapt and have taken to working out of their homes. Larger corporate businesses have seen a major change in the way their teams interact, with a mixture of home working and changes to the way existing office space is used.

This has meant a massive increase in the clearance workload from offices of ten desks right up to some of the biggest office spaces in London. It has also meant that some work has been in re-distributing the furniture from an office to smaller units and employees' homes, as well as re-using and recycling office furniture. Luckily, with a close-knit team of highly dedicated people, we have been able to be flexible enough to adapt to whatever was needed by our clients.

2. Small desks and office chairs for use of home workers has been very much the flavour of the month again. With the crazy times that we are all going through, this is much to be expected, and doesn't look like changing for the foreseeable future. Having seen how many buildings in London are now standing empty, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the city as a workplace has changed for ever. The news reports may say that the traffic is increasing again, but from what we see that is mostly service vehicles and people who don't want to use public transport. The stations are empty, with hardly anyone coming or going, even at peak times.

London's Square Mile is currently the world's least lived in city district. My prediction is for that to change in the wake of all that is currently happening and the balance will shift from commercial to residential use. Wherever you live though, if you find yourself working from home, our great choice and free national delivery mean that you don't have to labour in discomfort. Call us for the latest stocks of ergonomic office furniture at home.

1. Even though business has been very brisk, this month we took a bit of a break from every day activities to keep our Ipswich shop premises looking great, in line with the range of designer office furniture that is stocked there. The local professional decorators did a great job in keeping with our classic black and white theme. We are sure that customers will love visiting us in our new surroundings. We're delighted with the results and the new signage outside.

2. The market for designer chairs still seems to be very buoyant, with literally hundreds of top name chairs coming in and going out. Even though money is universally tight at the moment, the importance of spending your work time sitting comfortably with a degree of style amounts to good value. Of course, our highly competitive prices help too.

1. With the wide range of stylish designer chairs and free nationwide delivery, July was again a very busy month for the delivery of office chairs. People who have been forced to work from home have been finding that it is the best way for them to continue, so investment in furniture for home offices has been healthy. With changes forced to avoid the covid-19 virus, it has given a lot of people the opportunity to step back and evaluate the way they work. We can see this trend continuing for some time and will continue to support home office creation with a great choice of stylish, comfortable furniture, great value and free nationwide delivery.

2. "We can't work on a flat chair at our kitchen table anymore" is one of the quotes that we are very commonly hearing.

3. July has been a month for small clearances in London. Having received hundreds of enquiries, mostly driving through the deserted streets is still quite eerie, making our capital seem like a ghost town. There has still been healthy interest from corporates needing clearances as a part of their programmes to expand or move.

1. Carrying on where May left off, June sees an increase in demand for office seating. Whilst out delivering quality office chairs for people who suddenly have to work from home, it is striking how empty all the streets are. There is next to no traffic on the roads and nothing is moving. With so much work now being done at home, it is good to think of reduced travelling time enabling people to spend more quality time with their families rather than pretending to be a sardine on public transport, or wondering where the next hold up is going to be when travelling by road.

1. The world in which we operate has changed dramatically due to the current virus crisis. Sales of office chairs and small desks for home use have been non-stop since April and our delivery team has been busy all over the UK. The massive rise in home working comes from all sectors, including the NHS, our existing clients and new friends who have come to us through personal recommendation.

The most heartening sector to see growing is the new startup businesses. Even in these troubled, strange times, it is great to know that the entrepreneurial spirit is still strong, bringing new businesses to the market place, with their principals working from home. We firmly believe that it is this kind of vision, confidence and imagination that will help lead us out of the current economic slump.

2. With all of that going on, May gave us a massive kickstart. In addition to the surge in home working, Integro Insurance, one of our regular clients commissioned us to clear another huge office space for them. There have been many other projects started this month too. Sadly, some of these have been to clear space for those who didn't survive the lockdown. Hopefully, the people liberated from those roles will be part of the new wave of small, home based businesses that is burgeoning. Other clearances have been started because companies are realising that they can operate remotely and some of the enforced home workers will have their lives changed permanently, which is cutting down on the amount of space required, bringing us clearance work and new stock for recycling to home users.

Even when times are as bad as this, there can still be benefits to be gained in the long term and changed working patterns seems to be one of the best of these.

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